Friday 2 February 2024

Feline Gravity’s Pull

 I was only a few minutes late this week but I was still the last to arrive. Joe (the host), Adam H, Martin, Katy, Sam (wearing Adam’s glasses because he’d forgotten his) and Ian had already started a game of 6nimmt and had dealt me in, allowing Dirk (our imaginary random player) to choose my cards until I arrived. Dirk had done me proud and, as I sat down, I only had one bullet counting against me. Alas, I couldn’t keep up Dirk’s work and I clocked up scores of over twenty for the first three rounds, ensuring a swift end to the game.

But if I was a constant presence at the bottom of the leaderboard, the same can’t be said for Katy. She picked up only two bullets in the first two rounds and was 16 points clear going into the third round. Unfortunately, she was hit by multiple death spirals, meaning she dramatically dropped from first to sixth.
Joe 22
Sam 29
Ian 32
Adam 35
Katy 41
Andrew 83
So we split into two groups. Sam had brought Mlem with him – basically Cats In Space, which is nothing like Bees in Space, Sam assured us – and Katy, Martin and Ian were easily persuaded to join in. I was intrigued by the artwork, but was otherwise engaged with a game of Sheepy Time with Joe and Adam.
In round one of Sheepy Time, Adam and I played almost identical games, as we circled the board almost hand in hand. Joe was the odd man out, marking out his own path and risking an extra circuit after Adam and I had both gone to sleep. In round two, Adam mixed up “winks” and “zeds” and instead said he was going to pickup some zinc, which was funny enough at the time for me to write it down.

In round three, I slept early, leaving Adam and Joe bouncing around the track, avoiding the nightmare. Adam was next to sleep leaving Joe with the choice to finish too and add a fourth round, or to try and pass his pillow and win the game. He chose to continue even though the nightmare was right next to the fence. And he succeeded!

Joe wins!
Adam 2nd
Andrew 3rd
On Mlem, the game began sensibly enough, with Katy declaring that she’d landed on a moon and then that she’d gone to deep space. Eventually, however, the more usual GNN vocabulary crept in as I distinctly heard that Ian had “taken the dick” and that the game ended suddenly when Katy “rolled like shit.”

Martin 27
Sam 26
Ian 25
Katy 23
Then they played Inside Job, which Sam won. I don’t know anything about that game, except for Martin saying that someone should have warned him that Sam was about to win.
While they enjoyed Inside Job, we played Las Vegas. I began by picking out a pair of sixes from my dice and placing them because “sixes are the most difficult to roll”. Meanwhile, Joe scored nothing at all in round three.

Andrew 52
Adam 45
Joe 35
Vegas was longer than I expected and the group of four squeezed two more games in before we finished. First was Gang of Dice. Sam amazed everyone with his rolling – at one point, scoring 10 with 7 dice when 11 or more would have you bust.
Sam 78
Martin 35
Katy 32
Ian 23
After two wins and two second places, maybe Adam’s glasses were having a good influence on Sam. Alas, it wasn’t to last as the quartet chose Misfits with Katy in feisty mood, determined to win a game. She began with a circle on its side. Impossible to build on. And them she followed that up with a triangle pointing upwards. Almost impossible, but Ian, Martin and Sam all tried valiantly to build.

Before long, Sam had half the contents of the board in front of him, after having triggered the biggest collapse since… well, since Katy played 6nimmt a couple of hours before.

Finally we were all together. Unfortunately So Clover doesn't play seven so instead we played Fun Facts. The game began with an inauspicious omen as Joe grabbed a handful of crisps from the bowl and left a trail of crumbs along the table as he brought them back towards him. As for the game, we did okay. Some questions needed clarification, such as “Value of the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken.” I wanted to know if we were allowing for inflation and Adam asked in part broken counted. Ian won that round, having tanked a £1,000 PC.

Both Ian and Joe were very choosy about which question they went with. Ian eventually asked “how shy are you?” Perhaps because he knew he’d be top on that one.

We scored 38 points: “Nice score, you’re hitting your stride.”

I left, as did Ian and maybe Adam. I got confused because there was a lot of movement. People even said goodbye to Katy, and she was only going to the toilet.

Without me, the remainers played So Clover twice, scoring fifteen and nineteen.

And we’re done for another week. See you next Tuesday!

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