This week, on approaching Joe's welcoming door I found Adam H, Sam and Katy all having just arrived too. We said our hellos on the path to the front door and then Martin arrived too. A few more welcomes were shared when I asked if anyone had actually knocked.
Happily, someone had and Joe opened his door and greeted us all with a look of mild bemusement.
We went down to the kitchen where we found Adam T already sitting at the table. We chatted admirably and established that we 7 were the night's attendees.
We split into two, poured pickled onion Monster Munch into a bowl, and began the games. Sam, Martin, Adam T and Katy played Fellowship of the Ring: Trick-Taking Game. Martin described it as The Crew but Lord Of The Rings. A collaborative trick taker where the players adopt personas from the books in order to achieve certain trick taking criteria each round.
I don't know if Sam was ever Sam but I did hear him say “I'll try being Merry,” as if he were begrudgingly agreeing to enjoy himself.
Four chapters complete. Managed to leave The Shires.
Joe, Adam H and I played Expeditions. This trailblazing game of gratuitous tourism pitted the three of us in a challenge to see who could visit all the locations on the cards in our hand first.
The game begins with each player putting down four markers indicating four of the twelve locations in our hands. Adam put all of his markers in Africa. A bold move.
As the game progressed, we soon learnt that he had other locations in Africa, conveniently close to the starting point of Essen in Germany. I also had a cluster of locations but they were in far flung Australia.
The trick of the game is to use the non-locations spaces to get extra turns or tickets (allowing you certain benefits). Both Joe and I ran out of tickets at one point while Adam never did.
When the game ended, all my remaining markers and cards counted against me. But Adam's victory was never in doubt.
Adam H 17
Joe 14
Andrew 7
At this point the two games ended and we rearranged our seating slightly.
Joe, Adam T and Martin played Bebop, the game about crowds at a Jazz festival. I was tempted to volunteer too but the only way to allay Sam's doubts about starting so late (8.30) was by Martin insisting it'd be shorter with just three players.
Instead, I joined Adam, Katy and Joe in a game of Las Vegas. Katy had initially asked for Lords Of Vegas and was appalled when she learnt there wasn't copy in the house.
But Las Vegas scratches a thematically similar itch. We rolled our little cubes of destiny across Joe's new dice mat and did our best to control the casinos along the Strip. We managed some pretty snazzy rolls, beginning round two with three of us rolling three 6s among our dice, only for Joe to let us down - he only had three fives.
Joe also amazed us by telling us he’d actually been to Las Vegas. Katy was especially stunning, reasoning that during all the times they’d played Lords of Vegas, he might have already mentioned it. Maybe his first hand experience came in handy, because he came first after I lost my winning position thanks to a dry last round and him picking up $200k..
Joe $530,000
Andrew $490,000
Katy $310,000
Adam H $290,000
As for Bebop, I didn't follow much after the ceremony of popping out the cardboard pieces but I did hear Martin remark on Sam’s early lead and Sam replying “I’ve got to make hay before I know what I’m doing,” adding that understanding the rules of a game is usually when his results start to tail off.
I left after Las Vegas but got the scores from Bebop. Looks like Sam’s early surge was enough to give him the win.
Sam 96
Adam T 75 (win on tiebreaker)
Martin 75
And after that they played The Gang