Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Caylus Whispers

After last week’s no show due to illness or other engagements, this week saw just two gamers huddled for companionship around a table. Caylus was chosen since it works best as a two-player game, and the stinky dog added an authentic medieval open-sewer atmosphere to the proceedings later in the game. I was still feeling the last lingering effects of my flu, so I forsook my usual beer and crisps in favour of hot sake and jaffa cakes.

I made the early running, but Joe was never too far behind, preferring to bide his time before his coup de grace: in the closing stages he moved the provost forwards so as to bring an abrupt end to the game, like slamming the piano lid down on the fingers of the still-playing pianist. And then he built Jesus for 25 victory points. The game ended Joe 101, Andrew 92

We then ended on Forbidden Island, which is basically Pandemic for kids. Grab the treasure from the slowly flooding island and get back to the helicopter pad to escape. Nice and short and quite tense towards the end.

The leaderboard...


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