I can't keep up with Joe's prolific collection but yesterday I found myself in the Orc's Nest (we just don't help ourselves with these shop names, do we?) and managed throw a large amount of cash in the shop assistant's delighted face to purchase Troyes (a Joe recommendation, so he'll be paying me cost if I don't like it) where gamers "recreate four centuries of history in this famous city" - dunno much else -

and At The Gates Of Loyang, a Uwe Rosenberg creation that has lovely looking meeples in it:

Not that I bought it for the meeples; obviously the intracacies of Chinese peasant culture was the selling point for me. In Area 51 they say the worse the artwork is on the box, the better the game - so Loyang should be a cracker. The lady on the front looks like she's just heard the lewdest joke imaginable about that leek and turnip arrangement.
Anyway, two additions to our growing brood, and what with Tigris and Euphrates and others in the wings, maybe Adam and Andrew need to hold Joe and I back before this game-playing hobby becomes this game-collecting obsession...
ReplyDeleteYes, before! GRRRRR...