Before I could sink further into ponderances over the rich tapestry of time, though, Andrew suggested Agricola and before you know it I was wondering if I should invest in those custom meeples...
I have games I would probably select before this; but Agricola remains a classic for me. I love the basic game and the fact you can add card decks to it to make it more intricate is obviously appealing too. It was hard to call which way this was going to go - Andrew embarked on a spree of card-playing whilst I ploughed shitloads of fields and grew more corn than I knew what to do with. Last time we'd played a 2-hander Andrew had played a lot of cards and I'd won, but his strategy was more water-tight this time, allowing him to build lots of stone houses and getting bonus points for them to boot. Both of us struggled to feed our nascent families and had to sacrifice innocent animals to the pot before they could breed, ending the game with a lot of empty pastures and carnivorous tendencies. I thought I might be in with a shout of victory, but Andrew's nifty card-play and my over-concentration of corn meant he finished in a clear first place:
Andrew 39
Sam 26
Very different game with two than 3-4 players of course, because it's easier to come up with a Plan B with your intentions are stymied by the other player. But still, a level of creativity and intrigue that's rare in gaming. Others may tickle our fancy, but Agricola remains a high water-mark of gaming.
Sam I have an unpunched copy of Taj Mahal which you bought me years ago. It's never been played because I haven't got anybody to play 3 player and each time I've brought it to a weekend it was passed over in favour of juicier games.
ReplyDeleteI hope you find it to be a hidden classic and I will have a great game to break out when i get more than one gamer!
P.S I don't think it's geeky. My wife might though.
It's a Reiner, so it should be good!
ReplyDeleteI'm very keen to play Taj Mahal, having heard many good things about it.
ReplyDeleteA recent source of good tip-offs is the discovery that some members of Board Game Geek conscientiously annotate their collections with comments: a couple of stand out people are:
Steve Kieron
He rates TM a 10, and Chris, he mentions a good two-player variant you may be able to track down.
Another is Richard Ham:
I swapped Alien Frontiers for Twilight Struggle with him in the last math trade. His perspective is interesting from the point of view that he games almost exclusively with his other half, so he's a good source of two-player opinions.
Mmmm, Agricola. Haven't played for ages, and I do love it - it remains, I think, my desert-island game - probably has more replayability than any other, despite the fact that I often end up playing the family version.
Thats a good tip Joe, I'll look into that.
ReplyDeleteI want to play Agricola...