Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Not Another Stone Age Review!


Not being one to pass up an opportunity to play Stone Age meant that I found myself, once again, at James' house for what is becoming a bi-weekly session of games (spread over two days!). My previous high score had since been confined to the history books thanks to Sam's recent massive total and James was of a mind to reduce the gap, thus hindering any chance of a repeat performance. In the two player version the fight for resources is not as tight as it is with 3 or 4; therefore simply avoiding your opponents strategy is easier.

Hence, James collection of fields and workers was matched by my axes and huts leaving us to fight over the culture cards. Although my lead - courtesy of a little row of huts - looked quite impressive, James managed chomp away big chunks of that lead by building huts with pure GOLD! Inspired play! In the end it came down to a couple of culture cards that appeared to complete my set and the two fields left unplayed.

Chris 265.
James 199.

Our second game, Ticket to Ride, was probably as close as a game could get. Come the final tot-up I was ten points in the lead, however James had pipped me for the longest route. This brought the scores to 105 each and with four 4 tickets completed it all came down to the longest route. Which James had.

James 105
Chris 105

Bracknell Leaderboard:
(October - November)

Name Played Won
Chris 15 10
James 7 3
Paul 8 2

Which makes me look like a flat track bully....


  1. With 3? could do :)

    I must point out that I am exhausted and have a splitting headache, so the above report doesn't make make a lot of sense. And I seem to have done away with conventional grammar.

    Now where is the asprin?

  2. Stone Age can do that to a man.

  3. Leaderboard: Andrew and I have been down (once!) so we'd be on there!

  4. Why not? Although I play the most games so my points will (Should) be higher. I think I will opt for the average points. I think also the nights might combine over time....Plus James has a mate who might be able to join us sometimes.... :)

  5. Hey Chris,
    you know in two-player Stone Age only one person is allowed in each resource field? Something in your report made me think that maybe you weren't playing that rule, but I'm probably wrong. It can make it very tense and downright nasty . . .

  6. Yeah, we play it by the reduced resources rule. Also only two piles of 7 huts and of the Axes, Love hut, and fields only 2 can be selected.

    I still find there is enough scope to get by quite easily although its the same for both parties.
