Tuesday, 12 March 2013

3 Wonders

We three of Bracknell sat down again to play another of my new birthday games 7 Wonders. Even though Paul has played twice before it is not one that will stick in his memory and, as the last two times, spent the entire first game saying "I have no idea what I'm doing"

James though, had come prepared as he had spent the afternoon boning up on the rules. I remembered that I had always done fairly well by being ahead in military and picking a few technologies and true to form thats what I did. There's something about those military cards that brings out the belligerent in me. All those shiny swords and polished shields...I don't know... Anyway whilst I was flexing my muscle admiring myself in the reflection of my gladius James had gone all hippy on us and had a incredible stack of culture cards. Looking at it I considered it might become a problem. In the meantime Paul scratched his head and looked on.

And all so quickly, as it always does, the third age finished and we began the exciting totalling up process. James and I tied for first place but due to my greater money total I squeaked into first.

Chris - 55 - 3 money score
James - 55 - 1 money score
Paul - 41

The second game flowed a lot more naturally with everybody now accumulating the correct resources and markets allowing us heightened purchasing power. James once again ate up all the culture cards, I grabbed military and guilds, and Paul went all sciencey. James won with a flourish and posted a reminder to me to not let him get all those culture cards again. They really score big!

James - 53
Paul - 45 - 5 money score
Chris - 45 - 3 money score

We finished up with a hotly contested game of Medici which saw the result come down to what tiles came out of the bag for James' last cargo hold. A 0, 1 , 2 would have seen me win the "biggest boat" score but it wasn't to be as nice plump 4 rolled out.

James - 145
Chris - 135
Paul - 102


  1. Mmm, 7 Wonders is a great game. We overplayed it at first, but I'm glad it's found favour again. And Medici. I tend to avoid sciences unless it's clear no one else is taking them, mostly because I'm never sure how to add up the scores.

  2. I don't fancy them since I reread the rules, with a lot of luck you could get around 23 points at the end. James got over 30 with his mainly uncontested pursuit of blue cards. The most military can ever get you is 18 (Plus -3 for both your immediate neighbours). And guilds, well they just can't be relied on at all. It's almost like the game was designed so that you can't win if you specialise in on field! Crafty.

  3. 7 Wonders is also fab with 2. There are special rules for a ghostly third player that bring in an additional bit of strategy, dumping cards you know your opponent wants or making 'Dirk' but resources from you.
