Thursday, 25 April 2013

The Great Unplayed

Owing to a couple of maths trades on BGG and the continued popularity of our existing collections, I've managed to accrue a set of games that are highly(or reasonably)-rated on the geek, but as yet unplayed by GNN (I think).

This lot used to be called the "Guilty" collection but as none of them are direct purchases I don't carry the same sense of Catholic remorse any more. My last outright purchase was Tzolk'in and we've played that 4 times already; albeit with mixed success.

Maharaja is one that's somehow sat in the cupboard for a few months now, even though it comes recommended. It's by Wolfgang Kramer, the man behind such gems as El Grande, 6 Nimmt, and, er, Artus. 

Samurai is by Dr Knizia, who needs no introduction. Does he? Okay, he designed Medici, Ra, Poison, High Society, Ingenious, and numerous others. This is pretty abstract but I played against myself last night and won, so I like it. Very simple rule-set, but as Joe has discovered playing on his phone, ripe with strategic possibilities.

This is (relative to the others here) fairly lowly-ranked on BGG, but it has a gorgeous board. So I was sold. It's about expanding your empire over the world and getting into fights with each other. One for the Wallenstein fans.

This is a worker placement and appears to be a cross between Caylus and something like Pillars of the Earth. There's two sides to the board so you can build your castle in summer, or, if you're feeling stoic or hopelessly optimistic, in winter instead.

Less well-thought of than the others here (but still in the top 650 strategy games) is Nautilus, where you explore the ocean floor, dredging up minerals and looking for Atlantis. A bit like Octonauts, but with less of a learning curve - as there's nothing to learn.  The criticism of this game is that for what it is, it takes a little long. But here at GNN we scoff at deliberation in all its forms. Don't we?

Finally Comuni, which is a mixture of adversaries and co-operations, as players seek to further their influence in Italy whilst also combining (if I remember rightly) their resources to see off outside (non-player) invaders. The most I've done with this is put it straight back in the maths trades, where no-one bites. Maybe it's destiny and we should try playing it.

So there's six games just waiting to be played by you. I've got Settlers: Traders and Barbarians too, which has been hanging around so long unopened it's like the last straggler at the party, refusing to take the hint. I think I bought it as I entered puberty.


  1. Where did Comuni come from Sam, have you had that for ages? Doesn't it have a huge number of bits - if you can't trade it you could probably ransack it for prototypes!

    And what about San Juan? Or are you only counting games that have been delivered. In which case has Colonial arrived!!? I'm coming down . . .

  2. I didn't put San Juan as I remembered someone had it (turns out it was you!) but yeah, San Juan is theoretically on its way.

    I've had Comuni for about a year I think.

  3. I remember once, when I was cat-sitting for Sam, getting Nautilus out, setting it up, going through the rules, and not really getting it. I'm probably being too harsh, though.

    Samurai and Colonial look good, though. And we really should play Maharaja.

  4. I think Nautilus looks quite nice, but I haven't got as far as looking at the rules. Give me a couple of years.
