Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Yellow Jam

Half-term is over, and everything is returning to normal, you might think. But no. This week, gamers were thin on the ground, with just me, Sam and Adam.

We began with Tsuro. Something light and fluffy to ease us back into the giddy whirl of regular gaming. However, we play Tsuro like they would in The Deerhunter – from the start we all sped towards the middle. After some dodging and feinting, we found ourselves lined up beside each other. Unfortunately, I was in the middle and it was more a choice of who I wanted to kill me. I went for Sam.

Then, in the battle between Sam and Adam, it was a matter of whose corner of the board ran out first, and when Adam found a path across the board to a new corner, then Sam’s fate was sealed.

1. Adam
2. Sam
3. Andrew

Next we considered what to play next. The games cupboard was perused and, in the end, we chose Railways of the World. Why on Earth we chose that, I’ve no idea. We may as well have just given Adam the win, and then Sam and me arm wrestle for second place. Would’ve been quicker.

The Mississippi delta was shining like a...
well, like a glossy board game.

It began with Adam and Sam tussling for the north-east seaboard and, although my Baron needed a link from New York, I decided to leave them to it, hoping that they’d take points of each other. Fat chance. Instead, Sam found the beer going to his head far too quickly, and Adam played the shitty bastard card (not literally) by cutting off Sam’s options of expanding past the Appalachian Mountains.

Meanwhile, we all found ourselves cash-rich and racking up a decent amount of points. Not enough to overhaul Adam, certainly, but no one seemed to be struggling. Playing three-players on the Eastern Seaboard map (we were missing the Mexican deck of cards) means a more open game, but Adam still managed to put the boot in when he could. We wouldn’t respect him if he didn’t.

Adam 106
Sam 79
Andrew 75

By now it was half past ten. Sam was keen for another game, but we weren’t convinced. Then No Thanks was waved under our nose, I agreed and Adam crumbled under peer pressure.

This was the game that showed us that Adam’s success tonight was written in the stars. His luck in picking up cards that matched his own was astounding. It wasn’t just Lady Luck on his side, but Gentleman Jammy Git and Saint Spawny, too. It wrapped up a highly productive evening for him, with a confident third win in a row.

Adam 25
Andrew 66
Sam 81

All of this leaves Adam poised once again on the precipice of immortality. He has four wins in a row, and heads to the top of the leaderboard.

Adam 1 1 1 1 2 6
Joe 1 1 2 1 2 7
Sam 3 2 2 2 1 10
Jon2 1 2 3 513
Anja3 1 13 513
Andrew2 3 3 4 2 14
Hannah5 2 1 42 14
Steve1 3 4 4 4 16
Quentin2 23 5518
Will3 3 5 5 5 21


  1. Really enjoyed Railways, though next time I think I'll avoid going anywhere near Adam. I don't know, he gives you a couple of chips and all of a sudden he thinks he's owed the New York to Kansas express.

    We did actually set out to play RotW Mexico but discovered the cards were missing... very disappointing after having to chase the supplier up for the cubes too (and still no bag; had to pinch one from Ra). But aside from that a very enjoyable night. Gosh I really felt the San Miguel though...

  2. I enjoyed the night vicariously, via occasional text updates from San and Andrew. Telegraphs or ticker tape would have been more thematic, or perhaps a grizzled 49er on a mule turning up at the door with a scrawled note - "Plains flooded with Custard stop send more Nitro Glycerine soonest" something like that.

  3. We need a GNN live feed...

  4. Or a live blog. If we play something with a lot of down time we could do all our coffee-housing virtually!

  5. RotW update: they've kindly agreed to send the Mexico card deck plus the cube bag, which I'd taken from Ra. Games, eh? Games... Games... Games...

    *falls asleep with beautific smile*
