Has anybody ever won this game without playing The Palace? It seems like the game could go either way
until the players pick up their hands in the third round and the future winner
builds The Palace. Simple as that. Job done. Game won.
Or is it? In their first game, using the A-sides, James beat
Chris. Narrowly. By having the most coins having tied on points. So, what
magnificent strategy did he employ? He crossed his fingers he’d get The Palace.
He got it. He won.
James 49, Chris 49, Dirk 39. James won on coins.
So in the second
game, they did stuff. Stuff was done. A bit of stuff happened. Then came the
third round. James fanned out his hand. There it was. The Palace. Victory.
Who lives in a palace like this? |
But hang on. What was that guild card there? The Craftsmen’s
Guild. 2 points for each grey card one’s neighbours have. Both having lumbered
Dirk, (the ghostly third player) with lots of greys, that card scored 10
points. But what about The Palace? It only scored eight, but its totemic value
was astronomic, surely. It’s the game winner, the kingmaker...
James winced, played the guild card and passed The Palace
over to Chris. So then Chris had The Palace. And victory, surely. Or was this
going to be the day? The day someone could win the game with another player
having built The Palace? Could James let Chris build The Palace and still win?
We’ll never know. Chris couldn’t afford it. He burnt it. He didn’t dare hand it
James won. But in this game, nobody built The Palace. So can
you win 7 Wonders without The Palace?
One wonders. Still.
James 55, Chris 46, Dirk 26.
Heh James, this reads like a Stuart Hall football report. If you've ever heard one that is.
ReplyDeleteJust for the record, Joe built the Palace once and didn't win.
Maybe it's more powerful on games with fewer players...
Thats bad timing since Stuart Hall in the news today for unsavoury things....