Sunday, 3 August 2014

It's the 500th post

I hope no one wanted to use this special occasion to make a speech or anything. I decided to mark our 500th blog post with a division that covered the whole history of the GNN blog. Sam wins on points and the medal table, while Dan takes points ratio with just three games! Amazing. As we turn to the regulars (tipping a hat to Jon on the way) we see that Adam just beats Quentin by 0.02. Well played chaps. And well done to Bea and Martha, whose combined ages probably aren't even half of most regulars here, but they've both managed to win a game (Long Shot and that Ancient Rome bingo-ish one - I forget the name).

As for the rest, well, look at us all. Aren't we magnificent? 724 games on the leaderboard, and each one has its own story.


  1. Wow! 724 games.

    As pleased as I am to top the medals table, there is an accepted wisdom that the 'true' GNN champion is always the ratio leader, as it reflects overall performance. And in that respect Adam is still the man to beat! What's more he'll be tired an discombobulated this evening, so now is as good a time as any to start…

    thanks for being the spreadsheet king Andrew.

  2. I think Andrew's 162 bronze medals is an interesting stat. For all my insistence that I'm the 2nd place king Andrew has reinvented the term.

  3. except bronze is usually third, no?

  4. Yeah I was trying to say that my claim to be the 2nd place king was totally eclipsed by Andy's actual third place king status.

  5. oh I see. And I guess once you get below third it's hard to use the term 'king' anymore.

  6. Actually, my percentage of thirds is lower than Chris' percentage of seconds.
