Monday, 6 November 2017

Disparate Dan

On Saturday night Sally and I were joined by pals Becky and Dan for some chat and light gaming.

We began with Insider, at Sally's request. Dan had already told me he struggled with too many rules, but that can't excuse him from his constant table-talk, especially when his eyes were closed. In fact he got so into heckling the master that he forgot to look at his own tile when he should have been the Insider, so we played a game with what amounted to three clueless commons.

Becky twice pulled off sneaky Insider wins. Sally and I - as I always am! - were successfully identified (with time running out on me as the Insider I guessed 'book', knowing that the word was 'novel' - but it was too little too late, and my protestations of innocence fooled no-one. This is why I never became an actor.

We moved onto Bandu and the reason for this post. After Dan's initial failure in the first game due to stacking everything on its side (not a great foundation when I was handing him tubular shapes) he then pulled off the most spectacular Bandu move I've seen - placing the egg-cup on top of the egg (it really doesn't fit, despite one's assumption it would) and managing to balance it there with the most unconvincing pedestal beneath:

We finished off with Las Vegas, which Dan also won, after my hopes of a resurgence were dashed in the second and third rounds (and the first, really).

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