Friday, 26 January 2018

A Feist for Adam

Friday night games! Only with Andrew tired, Ian busy war crafting and others incommunicado, it fell to Adam and I to fly the flag for a weekend begun in the right manner. Martin flirted with the idea of joining us before declaring that we wouldn't be playing anything feisty enough. Right, I thought. I'll show you. But this fleeting feistiness passed in the fashion of a mild-mannered janitor realising he has no alter-ego, only a mop. And I set off back to my non-feisty self, with Whistle Stop and Queendomino in my bag. We played both!

First up was Whistle Stop. Previously at Joe's we'd played with rather too many whistles at our disposal, and found the game moved rather slowly as a result. With the correct rules (whistles hard to come by) it sped by in an hour. We even ended the game early, as I got all my trains to the west coast and sat back cackling (inwardly) not imagining Adam could get both his remaining trains home... he could, of course.

And not only that, he picked up two shares en route that put a 30 point swing in his direction, and claimed the win. How I screamed (inwardly) at my foolishness. If only Martin had been there - he would have enjoyed the moment, if not the game as a whole.

Adam 170 odd
Sam 150 odd

We moved on to Queendomino. I confess when I initially heard about it, I thought Oh it's Kingdomino with some extra crap tacked on. And to be fair that interpretation is factually valid. But unlike Hullabaloo in the Sausage Worm area, I rather liked this remake; where you can gather taxes and build buildings. Or you can ignore them and just score big points a la Kingdomino, as Dirk did to beat me in my playthorugh earlier in the week.

But Adam had told me he wasn't very good at Kingdomino, and I was merciless!

didn't take any pictures of Queendomino

Okay I wasn't merciless, as the little interaction here involves a dragon burning down unbuilt buildings, and Adam utilised it far more than I did. But I did enough to claim revenge his devious scheming in Whistle Stop, winning something like:

Sam 196
Adam 170 something

Hannah arrived home just in time to watch our fruitless search for the missing bags that the Queendomino bits came in, which had seemingly vanished into thin air. We never found them, giving the evening an air of mystery, as well as a sprinkling of charred brick.

Thanks Adam!


  1. Still no sign of the bags...

    Thanks for introducing me to both games - very enjoyable (even if I suck at whatever-domino it happens to be).

  2. Replies
    1. I dunno, Whistle Stop was pretty brutal for me...

  3. Nice to see Heck Meck's loose translation get a mention!
