Having missed Tuesday's games night, when Sam sent out a call for some extra gaming on Wednesday, I jumped at the chance. Also taking advantage of our host's hospitality was Ian and Adam and the four of us sat down around the table with Yukon Passengers already laid out before us.
Sam talked us through the rules, having played it through a few times over the weekend, and randomly assigned the starting player to Adam. This prompted the first bout of AP of the night as he looked from his hand of cards, to the board and then back again. The basic premise of delivering coloured dice to locations that house cubes of the same colour is simple enough, but on the way there are new icons to grasp and questions to asked. Such as how to make a ten-fuel trip when your plane's tank only holds seven.
But even once the initial confusion had passed, the AP continued with each player trying to maximise the potential of their hand of cards while being aware of the risk of losing a destination to someone who took off before you. This is because in order to pull of a high scoring move, you'd need a bonus that was only available if choosing to take your turn later in the turn.
As I recall, that didn’t happen as much as I was expecting. The fact you can see what dice someone has taken and therefore work out where they’re probably going means it’s possible to avoid (or engineer, if your being a dick) those situations.
The basic premise of deliver colour to matching colour, then, is simple with a lot of jiggery pokery in between to add a bit of puzzley elements to it. We came away with the feeling this was perhaps better with three players, and with the abiding image (and I don’t remember how we got here) that Ian is at his most confident when sitting in an infinity pool on top of a Dubai skyscraper while slowly wetting himself through his trunks.
Interesting design on the backs of the cards: is this four cards or two?
Adam 82
Sam 81 wins second place on tie breaker
Andrew 81
Ian 68
Adam went at this point, clearly having had too much fun, and Ian, Sam and I broke out The Mind for old times sake and a bit of whisky. It was nice to revisit it after so long and while my memory is hazy, I expect it threw up the same kind of close shaves and near misses as it usually does. I do recall that we failed on round six. A noble effort.
Thanks all.
What I like about Yukon Airways was it's one of those games that's clearly made with love. It's also more interactive than you initially think. But yes with 4 of us the AP got a bit silly.
ReplyDeleteThe Mind was great.
Just wait for The Mind.... EXTREME!