Sunday, 22 December 2019

New to GNN in 2019

I had a trawl back through the archives for 2019 to look for the games we played at GNN for the first time this year and counted 85! (I blame Sam). Here's my pick of 20 that were played a few times and seemed to go down particularly well. Which were your favourites and have I missed anything?

Gold Fever - we all loved chucking grit in each other's sacks.
Bring Your Own Book - make up your own punchline.
Western Legends - something about poker and brothels?
Maskmen - delightful once decoded.
Northern Pacific - so simple, so evil.
Res Arcana - I hate fantasy themes. I hate engine-building. So why am I hooked on this?
Senators - nasty nasty auctions.
Kariba - Knizia goes to the waterhole.
LAMA - Knizia revamps UNO.
Sol - must play this more next year...
Belratti - damn that cunning forger!
Orbit - I should probably try this.
Q.E. - I bid 10 quintillion!
Pax Pamir 2nd edition - most attractive game of the year?
Stinker - the biggest laughs?
Memoarrr - now where was that damn pink octopus...
The Crew: Quest for the 9th Planet - the theme may be a little lacking but the trick-taking is exquisite.
The Mind Extreme - does what it says on the tin.
HurlyBurly - yay catapults!
Letter Jam - E*CE??ENT

Merry Christmas all and thanks for another game-tastic year.


  1. Enjoyed lots of the above particularly Pamir, QE, Sol, Senators, Hurlyburly and Stinker. I think my game of the year is probably Orbit though - there’s no one particular element to rave about but it just has the feel of a classic from the seventies - that still works really well.

    1. You're the only person who has commented on it on BGG!

    2. Currently they don't have a publisher. Think they want to Kickstart it at some point.

  2. From that list I played:

    Gold Fever - the joy of targeting someone for no good reason!
    Western Legends - fun! Not normally my kind of thing, but I liked it here
    Res Arcana - decidedly not fun, I'm determined to come up with a decent plan next time though
    LAMA - another fun game I enjoyed!
    Sol - must play this more next year too
    Belratti - entertainingly confusing
    Orbit - my game of the year, you should really try this Martin
    Pax Pamir 2nd edition - just too difficult to understand
    Stinker - it's possible that I was more grumpy about this game than it deserved
    Memoarrr - I wish I could remember having a memory...
    Letter Jam - JETTER LAM?

  3. There's an awful lot of good games in this list. Some really ingenious ideas, like Memoarr and The Crew which - when I first heard them described - I was sure wouldn't be any good. But hats off to games that are actually funny. Not like Kill Doctor Lucky or Robo Rally, which try to recreate some kind of slapstick misfortune that we can all laugh at, but things like BYOB, Just One and Stinker.
