Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Let the bean fight commence

Logging on at half past seven, I found a game of Quantum in full swing. Judging by the banter between Ian l, Martin and Sam I guessed that Martin's victory had just been avoided after some aggressive play by Ian.

I took the opportunity to put my supper on the plate and eat it while watching the game and seeing Joe and Adam H dawdle in. The three non-players decamped to Google Hangouts so we could chat without distracting the others. After a short while, they joined us reporting that Ian had won after some more aggressive play on his part.

Ian wins
Martin and Sam don’t

Next the six of us played Texas Showdown thanks to Martin’s very own handmade version on the internet. It worked well, and Martin seemed to be pleased with it, declaring “let the bean fight commence!” before a round before remembering it was “bun fight”. As for the game, I went clear in round one and then in round four I had four of the highest valued cards in their suit. Ian won again.

Ian 2
Sam 5
Martin 6
Andrew 8
Adam 9
Joe 10

It worked so well, we played again. In the first round Sam won with a black two which seems almost impossible. He never recovered and the game ended after only three rounds.

Martin 2
Andrew 4
Ian 4
Adam 5
Joe 5
Sam 10

These games were accompanied by a series of curious sounds as if one of us was underwater or making an ASMR video or some such. But anyway, at this point we left for boardgamearena and set up a game of 7 Wonders. Martin went for blue buildings while Sam overloaded on military cards. Adam and Ian went for science and Joe and I went for a bit of everything, but with me hoarding cash.

And it was the cash which got me the win, as I snuck past Sam in a very close game.

Andrew 55 + cash
Sam 55
Ian 53
Martin 52 + cash
Joe 52
Adam 51

At this point Sam leaves and Andy B is briefly seen on Discord and as a spectator on BGA. The remaining five of us play For Sale. I picked up the 1, since you know where you are with a 1, and then got the 2, since I would know where I’d be with that too. It did the trick somehow as I squeezed past on my second cash tie-breaker in a row.

Andrew 56 + cash
Martin 56
Adam 48
Joe 46
Ian 37

Then Joe left and the remaining four returned to playingcards to try Fight, Martin’s version of a new game that currency only existed as a print and play. Katy joined us, too, which meant we needed two rules explanations which was probably for the best. It was a little clumsy online, since the deck needed sorting, and the game itself wasn’t great: a co-op where everyone’s card had to add up to the value of a monster card in the middle of the table.

We wound it up after a while and Ian and Adam both left. Katy, Martin and I revisited Hanabi. Katy wasn’t keen, but she agreed. There was a moment of madness for her when, after fretting about me running out of time on my go, accidentally discarded a red three instead of playing it. A little frustrating, but never mind. We still got to our highest score.

22 out of 25

And so we were done. Thanks all.


  1. Thanks for letting me join late, but sorry for messing up Hanabi, but at least we have somewhere to go score wise!

  2. Texas Showdown was great, Fight was not, but would probably be better face to face.

  3. Love Texas Showdown! Although clearly I didn't know where I was with a 2
