Thursday, 20 August 2020

Glasgow... two

Only one day after our weekly gaming fix, I got a text from Sam to see if I was around for a sneaky game. I was, and this is how I came to be introduced to Glasgow, a 2 player game that came in a small box but still took up most of the table space.

It involves two meeples going around a rondel, a circle of possible actions, with the usual rule of the player in last goes next. If I thought it would be just a Tokaido esque experience of just choosing the next available space, moving as little as possible, it soon opened out. Once you're happy with your resources, certain tiles become more attractive and it's a case of balancing the benefits of racing ahead with the pitfalls of giving your opponent too many free turns.

The motive behind all this is the chance to build Glasgow, in a 4x5 grid of factories, shops, banks, etc. Different things have different abilities or point scoring options. It seemed fairly familiar and nicely put together. I won by about ten points, forty-something to Sam's thirty-something.

Next we finished with a two-player game of Codenames. One round each of being the codemaster and we did pretty well each time. I can’t remember our best clues, but some of the more tenuous ones were me cluing “Resistance” for “France” (obv) and “Parachute” (less obv) and Sam offering “Orion” for “belt” (easy) and “vacuum” (tricky).

And so, after barely an hour, I set off home. Early nights are the new late nights, it seems.

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