This week saw a rare sojourn to Katy's house, squeezing in a table-testing six players (Katy, Joe, Sam, Adam H, Adam T, and myself). Katy had worked out who was sitting where based on ease of getting up for the toilet and amount of discomfort her husband might feel in squeezing past them. Adam, apparently, would cause the least. We were also surprised to learn that it was Sam's first visit to Katy's place. "Welcome," she said, half an hour after he'd arrived.
But as for the games, I arrived at 8, at the same time as Adam H and found people in the dining area, chatting. Apparently they hadn't played anything. Amazing. But with a full attendance, we soon leapt into a rousing game of Team Play. I was matched up with Adam H, which is always a bit of a mixed blessing. A greater chance that you'll win, but only if he wins as well. Adam T teamed up Sam and finally Joe and Katy were the third team.
I started slow and was last to finish a trick, while Sam whipped off two tricks in one turn for an early lead. Katy got stuck with a target of Three pairs, all even or all odd and she wasn't encouraged when Joe admitted he hadn't been paying attention to what she'd been picking up for the past few rounds.
But Adam and I turned it around and triggered the game end with our eighth trick and had already scored enough to win.
Andrew and Adam H 25
Sam and Adam T 24
Katy and Joe 19
Next we split into two groups. Adam, Adam and Joe played It's A Wonderful Life, which is nothing to do with the classic film starring James Stewart. It's set in a"non specific near future," according to rules explainer Adam T. And it seemed a bit 7Wonders-ish, judging from what little I understood of it.
Sam, Katy and I played Rumble Nation. This, according to Sam, consists of rolling dice, placing cubes accordingly and then resolving fights. "It's like a three act game with the middle act taken out," Sam added.
Players are not completely at the mercy of luck, and there is a little strategy involved in that a victory in one area has a knock-on effect in the neighboring provinces. I used this to good effect when my initial win set off further victories across the board like toppling dominoes.
Andrew 42
Sam 34
Katy 32
Midway through this, Rob came down and pottered about a bit, before making sure we were playing two different games, so confusing was our banter.
When Rumble Nation ended, It's A Wonderful Life was still midway through so we played Hit Z Road. It's a fun game of zombie apocalypse mayhem that always seems to go on too long.
My band of survivors was wiped out in the penultimate round which at least allowed me to go to the toilet. Katy died in the final round, killed by the last zombie, while Sam made it to the coast with load's of resources and fourteen points. An impressive performance.
Sam, Gulf Coast Highway
Katy and Andrew, Road To Hell
It’s A Wonderful Life had ended before Hit Z Road, and they patiently waited for us to finish. Except that Adam T left, and I went soon after. The Wonderful Life scores were…
Adam T 61
Adam H 57
Joe 29
I later learnt by text that Sam and Katy won Durian and then Sam won Push It. Thanks all, and special thanks to Rob for putting up with six gamers blocking the way into the back garden. See you all soon.
Thanks for hosting Katy, blogging Andrew, gaming everyone!
ReplyDeleteDurian was mostly notable for Joe imagining that I'd explained a rule about only one Durian being allowed in the shop. When I clarified I hadn't, he kept wondering why it was called Durian anyway. Adam went bust and Joe was outraged that the rest of us didn't win, but we checked the rules and his two points (Katy and I had zero) put him in second.
Push It was fun, as always. Joe surged back from something like a 9-2-1 deficit to hit six points rapidly, but - more by luck than judgement - I held on for a win.
Rumble Nation is odd, but good. How was Wonderful Life?
The thing is the Durian is such a smelly fruit, it would make perfect thematic sense if you could only have one in the shop.
ReplyDeleteWonderful Life was fine, and I’m glad to have tried it, but it didn’t really light my fire.
The Berger Variant: if there is more than one durian in the inventory when revealed, all orders are cancelled and the game finishes instantly. Now the player with the most points wins instead of losing.