But first, the games. I arrived at Sam's at 8, to find Joe, Ian (his first games night of the year), Sam and Katy playing Photograph, a game from the same designer as Take The A Chord. I watched the closing stages of the game in bemusement. Sam anguished over the fact he forgot that he has reds. Ian languished in last while Katy vanquished them all. Joe played well too, except I can't think of a fourth rhyme.
Sam 30
Joe 18
Ian 17
Next, as a fivesome, we played Fast Sloths, a racing game in which the sloths can't move in unless carried by one of a number of obliging animas. It was confusing at first with some of the rules regarding movement being a little unintuitive. Why eagles could only fly over rivers if there was a bridge made no sense until Joe pointed out that eagles are constantly worried about dropping out of the sky.
It began well for Katy once she’d got her head around the rules, and before long she’d pulled of a “two leaves in one move” turn (the target is first to pick up eight leaves) to put herself in first and before long was looking in a strong place to win. But then a misunderstanding of the rules left her becalmed in the corner of the map while she slowly edged towards some ants who would carry her to victory. By the time she was in position, Joe, was on his seventh leaf also closing in on those ants while Sam was in stoney last with four. But he had a plan. An epic history-changing plan.
He put down twelve movement points for ants, used only a couple to get another leaf and then spent the rest of his movement points sending Katy's ants off in a totally useless direction. Katy, exasperated, couldn’t move and considered forfeiting while Sam apologised, saying it was his only sensible move. Katy made a token effort at enticing an animal back in her direction but then Joe swooped: he didn’t need the ants at all, and he got to the eighth leaf using a donkey or something.
Katy was annoyed, and also blamed me for writing “Katy 8” in my notebook since I was so convinced of her imminent win. But thinking about it, even if Sam hadn’t done that, I think Joe would have won anyway since he and Katy would both have eight leaves but Joe had more cards in his hand and so probably would’ve won on a tie breaker. Does that make Katy feel any better?
Joe 8
Katy 7
Ian 7
Andrew 6
Sam 5
After this bruising encounter, we went for something like a group-hug: co-op Wavelength. We all worked together to score fifteen points and did it easily. No help from me, since I believe we scored nothing when I gave clues. BUt it was a lot of fun, with frequent references to "moving ants" as a potential clue. On the category “Wet food/Dry food” Sam said (I think but maybe Ian, though) "Bread". This gave rise to a lot of discussion which continued until after the answer was revealed (we scored 3 points, iirc) regarding whether something "oily" could be described as "wet" or did "wet" imply the presence of just water. Only Wikipedia ended the debate.
We scored 21 points and won!
Then Katy and I leave while Joe and Ian stayed on for a game of Love Letter. Thanks for the evening and for the excellent range of crisps. See you all soon.
Fast Sloths was fun - all the games were fun - but I should clarify my significant dick move was both to buy myself more time and stop both Katy and Joe. The inadvertent possible-king-making was a mere by-product.
ReplyDeleteWhat I mostly remember from Wavelength ('bread' was my clue by the way) was Joe suddenly announcing with conviction that "moisture is always water" which blew my mind. What about blood, oil, milk, etc? Google says Joe is incorrect, whew.
On the other hand, he won Love Letter. Grrrr
I was very ready to finish playing Fast Sloths when I thought I was going to win as there was quite a lot of down time. I did enjoy it (mostly) though, but didn't expect someone else to move other animals they didn't need as no one else had done so all game (next time I suspect it will be a different story, especially if Martin is playing)! I've explained my current mental state and therefore over reaction to Sam and so hopefully we'll have forgotten the unfortunate incident by next week! Thanks all x