A bumper night of gamers was in the air, so many that Stan and I dragged the kitchen table out from the wall. But unfortunate late drop-outs (Andrew and Andy M) bumped us back down to six: Ian was first to arrive, followed by Martin, Gareth and Laura. With Joe running late we played Hit as a warm-up, Knizia's hot toddy of temptation and being shat on, as Ian regularly was when he pushed his luck. "I've got nothing to lose" he said, before going bust again. "Except that"
At this point we still didn't know about Andrew and Andy's participation, and so blasted through a quick game of Strike - Ian won - before Martin set up San Francisco (a new Reiner!) at one end of the table and I First Rat at the other.
Andrew texted to say he couldn't make it, so we wondered whether to shanghai Andy into San Francisco or space, but then he dropped out too and rules explanations commenced apace. At this point, I had no idea what happened in San Francisco, but apparently Martin didn't either, ending the game flummoxed by it and demanding to play again immediately!
Laura 11and a half
Joe 11
Martin 4
We finished First Rat just after. Gareth had summoned a huge amount of resources at the death to construct a shitload of rocket components, and it was enough to push him past me. But Ian's focus on building+racing that triggered the game-end saw him finish his First Rat debut safely in first:
Ian 73
Gareth 61
Sam 60
We shuffled chairs as Gareth and I joined Martin for his San Fran kinda-rematch, and he explained the rules. I was slightly concerned about learning a game after 9pm, especially one that seemed as bananas as this, but it was fine. Everyone is building their own San Francisco, and each has overlapping scoring criteria: improve one, and you're no doubt hampering another. Cards are placed from left to right across a tableau of five different landscape types, with points for being first to fill a row, points for having most workers in a row, bonuses for having two architects in a row and additional points for the biggest/best tram network.

On your turn you can either add a card to a column (there are three) or take all cards from a column and add them to your city where applicable. This being a Knizia, there's a catch: when you take cards, you also take a contract, and you can never pick up a column if there are less (or the same) number of cards in it as your number of contracts. But the moment everyone has at least one contract, everyone gets to return one too, meaning what is available when fluctuates according to how invested players have become.
At the other end of the table, Joe was also teaching rules to Laura and Ian with his new card game Gift of Tulips.
I didn't hear anything about it though (other than it being a bit like Biblios) apart from the scores:
Ian 67
Joe 47
Laura 42
Laura then headed on home and Joe and Ian played Break the Cube, which I didn't take any photos of. I'm aware Joe won the game though, and around this time we were wrapping up on San Francisco as well, with Martin, now he knew the lay of the hilly land, much more competitive. But my builder-heavy combo combined with tram network and single skyscraper was just enough...
Sam 12and a half
Martin 12
Gareth 9
I put the kettle on as Ian suggested Wavelength as a gaming nightcap: new to Gareth but well-known to the rest of us, with the famous front bottom of Gwyneth making it's appearance once more. Will we ever play Wavelength without it?
Also featured was Ian's in-depth knowledge of bees, Martin's affected indifference to a bee conversation at a dinner party, me wondering if his affected indifference would bleed into his own bee-related clueing and discovering, to Martin's palpable disdain, that it wouldn't. We did very well overall though, triggering two extra rounds and sailing past the 15 needed to officially win the co-op version. I think we ended with 21. Fun to revisit, we should try the team version again at Novocon perhaps?
The hour was chiming eleven though so that was it for this evening. Hope our absentees are convalescing and we'll see them soon...
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