Saturday, 13 May 2023

Happy Birthday, Das Exclusive!

 I enjoy reading old blog posts from a decade ago to reminisce about the old times with myself and this month I noticed that it was Das Exclusive's 10th birthday! I couldn't let the anniversary of the world's greatest dice tray go unmarked so here's a quick run down of some of the highlights of March 2013.

Steve and Anja hosted a games night only two weeks after the birth of Luther.

Sam managed to teach the rules of Stone Age after his third mojito.

During a game of Lords of Vegas we decided that smelling another man's burp was the same as kissing him.

Sam and I invented Extreme Biblios. "Extreme" only in the sense that saying "eat shit" when handing someone a 1-gold card is somehow edgy.

In Bracknell, imaginary player Dirk beat James and Chris at 7 Wonders.

Also in Bracknell, Paul won a game of Tikal thanks to his expert skills at hoarding goods and I commented “if there's ever a national crisis that involves staying indoors all day, I know where I'm heading.” Just imagine - once there was a time when such a crisis was the most absurd thing anyone could think of.

An old photo from 2013

Amazing times. 


  1. And it was still a few months before I showed up!

  2. Lovely stuff Andrew. More of these reminiscepackages please!
