Thursday, 30 June 2011

Final Score

And so the end of this trimester arrived. There were five of us gathered around the table in Joe’s kitchen, and while Sam’s four point lead was unlikely to be overturned, I still had hopes of getting second back from Joe, and Hannah had a chance of beating Adam for points ratio.

First course on the night’s menu was Notre Dame. This game of plague-fighting in medieval Paris was new to Sam and Hannah, so Joe guided them through the rules in his inimitable style. As we began, I was encouraged by how often my moves were matched by the game uberlord, Adam. However, like two slightly different starting points of a Mandelbrot Set, we soon diverged into distinctly different paths. I remained true to my ethos of saving lives, while Adam was happy to let the plague take its toll.

I’m not sure what tactic Sam used in this game, and I don’t think Sam is sure either. Hannah quickly saw the power of the Park, and played a tight game. Joe and Adam both loaded the park full of people, hoping to bring in the benefits of extra prestige points, with mixed results.

By the end I was unable to tell who had won. To everyone’s surprise, new boy Sam took top spot by a single coin from myself, with Adam trailing in last with his pox-ridden borough forever destined to be used by Parisian comedians when they want to make fun of something smelly and horrid.

Sam 58 +1 coin
Andrew 58 +0 coins
Joe 51
Hannah 50
Adam 39

Next up was a game of For Sale. This quick game of property speculation was new to Hannah, so Joe left it to the three of us to explain it to her while he went to the toilet. Unfortunately, Joe’s inimitable style is inimitable and we didn’t do a very good job. In the end, it was up to Joe to tell her the rules when he got back, while the rest of us looked sheepish.

Adam 60
Joe 53
Hannah 52
Sam 50
Andrew 39

Lastly, by popular request, Poison was exhumed from the bottom of Joe’s games cupboard. This somewhat random game of mathematics and luck was a perfect end to the evening, even if my game was as good as over by the end of the second round and after that it was just a case of hoping other people played as badly as me, which they almost did. In the end Joe walked away with first place, with the other four left squabbling over the crumbs.

Joe 13
Sam 30
Hannah 32
Adam 35
Andrew 36

And so the evening ended, with everyone tired, but happy. Sam’s place at the top of the leaderboard was cemented by his first win with Notre Dame, but as we realised Hannah had beaten her close rival and co-habitee Adam twice this evening, perhaps his points ratio win wasn’t so secure.

The leaderboard...

PlayedPointsRatioAbsolute Abs ratio % score % ratio
Sam301254.17150483.56524.5 17.48
Joe27121.54.5119166.17 422.39 15.6
Andrew32114.53.571077 53.85410.31 12.82
Adam23111.54.84731 56.23 316.57 17.77
Hannah1045.54.55231 46.2 105.55 10.55
Quentin9404.44132 26.4 76.92 8.55
Chris520.54.1137 68.5 42.64 8.53
Jonny618.53.1187 62.33 44.47 7.41
Steve4164104 2656.62 14.15

Sam takes first place, as predicted, but despite Adam ending with an evening where he came 5th and 4th, he managed top keep his ratio intact. Hannah couldn’t catch him, and a late surge by Joe couldn’t upset the form either. Sam also takes Absolute score and ratio but not if you take I’m The Boss at face value. In this case, Hannah wins by around four million points.

Meanwhile, I came first for best attendance. Yay, me.

But for next season, there’s talk of a score multiplier according to how long a game lasts. This scoring system is only getting more complicated. Hooray!

[EDIT: After Adam's suggestion of a scoring sytem based on percentage of total points scored, I hurried home and mucked about with the spreadsheet and here it is! And congrats to Adam, for inventing a new way of scoring where he wins! Sam wins the overall percentage score, but Adam takes pecentage ratio: On average, he scores 17.77% of the total scores. Meanwhile, it's a boost for Steve and puts his low position into perspective.]

[ANOTHER EDIT: I noticed I'd made a mistake in typing in the absolute scores. It didn't make any difference to the positions, but it does demonstrate the considerable lead that Sam had. And while I was mending that, it occured to me that some people played more non-scoring games, so I recalculated the average taking those into account. Which now means Chris and Jonny leap up the table in that respect. Congratulations guys!]


  1. Thanks Andrew, for excellent tallying and write-up, and well done everyone.
    It was only towards the end of Notre Dame that Sam pointed out Powerclown by Fila Brazilia wasn't the most thematically appropriate music. My standby for medieval games is The Dowland Project, but we needed something with a bit more bounce, to help take our minds off the encroaching plague. Scott Walker fit the bill perfectly, and this morning I listened again — it's uncanny. The Plague, The Seventh Seal, We Came Through — I think he might be a secret euro-gamer:

    The Plague
    I can never seem to catch my footsteps

    Have desires they fly away

    And every day I've got to fight the Plague

    We Came Through
    Like the Gothic monsters perched on Notre Dame
    We observe the naked souls of gutters pouring forth mankind
    Smothered in an avalanche of time

    The Seventh Seal
    They met within the woods the knight his squire and friends
And Death said now the game shall end

    The final move was made

    The knight hung his head

    And said you've won I've nothing left to play

  2. Yes, thanks Andrew for doing most of the write-ups and all the maths. Well done Adam on the being secret-true-champion by points ratio. Is it time for another quick round of top-five games? - I do love a list. Based on the criteria of 'let's play it next week' mine are:

    Tinner's Trail
    Stone Age
    Notre Dame

  3. When a game is new to me/us, it's top of my list of 'want to play'; currently:
    Alien Frontiers

    If, after a play or two, it has proved itself enjoyable but is still mysterious and strategies are unexplored, it stays high; currently:
    Notre Dame
    Tinners' Trail

    Once we all know what we're doing, and it becomes a proper contest of wits, I'm on to the next thing, but: when it hits the table again later on, it provides the best, most satisfying games; currently:
    Stone Age

    A long-winded way of saying I'm a fully paid-up member of the Cult of the New.

    But given Sam's current love of Martin Wallace, I do think it's time we introduced him to Brass . . .

  4. Talking about I'm The Boss - doesn't For Sale opperate in thousands of dollars, meaning I got $60 000 and should be a bit higher on the absolute scale?

    An alternative is an adjusted absolute, where the winner gets 100 points and last place gets 0 points no matter what they score. Then and the rest are calculated as a ratio (so if you come half way between winner and loser you get 50...) Go on Andrew, you know you want to...

  5. I like it, and I've done it!

  6. My top five games at the mo...

    1. Colosseum
    2. Pergamon
    3. London
    4. Stone Age
    5. Tinners' Trail

  7. I'd love to see that spreadsheet, I bet I could spend hours geeking out with standard deviation (um, that's not how it sounds...)

    I'm always a sucker for a new game, but of those I've played already I most want to play:
    (age of) steam
    Trans Europa
    Tinner's trail
    And I have a hankering for galaxy trucker, but only if there is a way to make the space travel bit more fun...

    Of the ones I haven't played I think I fancy London and race for the galaxy.
