Saturday, 8 September 2012

A Septicon wish list

With a bunch of us committed to some solid gaming time in a couple of weekends, I was wondering if anyone had anything in particular they'd like to get to the table. I'm keen on playing Colosseum again, and maybe even High Frontier although I'll admit that may not pan out. Lords of Vegas might be nice too. And even Agricola (not Farmers of the Moor, though). I'd quite like to play Navegador again. Now we know there's a winning tactic, surely we can beat it?

And of course, loads and loads of eight-player Tsuro. It'll be intense!


  1. I'll be bringing a bunch of games that I've got here and mixture of some of the oldies and some new ones.

    I think there will be enough new games there for me to be happy anyway...

  2. Happy to bring stuff that other people fancy (Colosseum, High Frontier, Lords of Vegas etc), so let me know if there are other things only I own that you want me to bring).

    I fancy getting to grips with Castles of Burgundy (is best with two I hear), and will happily bring Twilight Struggle for 2 player japes too.
    Very keen to try Glory to Rome properly (now that I have the Black Box ed. with lovely artwork), that plays up to five.
    Railways of the World plays up to six, and has an epically huge board, I'd love to play an epic train game.
    I'm the Boss plays max. 6, but can stretch to 8.
    I have a few games that play up to 8, so might bring those along too; Lost Temple is the Citadels mechanic but quicker playing and silly race game. Incan Gold and 6 Nimmt play 8 and 10 players respectively, though all of those a pretty light fare.
    Struggle of Empires is a big civ game by Martin Wallace that plays up to 8 people. It is very highly regarded, and not too rules-heavy, though it can be I think very long. If anyone is very interested I might read up on the rules in advance and bring it along.

    Perhaps Hab & Gut, Brass, Skull and Roses. Cuba? Age of Empires III? How many weeks are we going for?

  3. Eight player Martin Wallace? Oh my goodness...

  4. Indeed! Check out the geek, it's fairly well thought of...

  5. Can someone please bring 7 wonders. It's one of my personal favs....

  6. Now Joe has done the stoic duty of wading through the rules I'd like to play Last Train/First Train to Wensleydale/Nuremburg (don't mind which). Other than that I'd be happy to take another battering at Shogun and then play a mix of not-too-terribly-long games and have the odd break to listen to the sound of meeple-pushing...

  7. Sam, can you bring Lords of Waterdeep too please?

    1. I'll bring LoW, Arkadia, Condottierre, Citadels, Mutineer, Biblios (Biblios!), Posion, Navegador, Shogun, San Marco, Ascending Empires, Comuni, Genoa, Macao, Nautilus, Portobello Market, Toledo, Tsuro.

      Can also bring 7 Wonders and Stone Age if noone else is. It's all about choices, right?

      Adam/Hannah I hope you're bringing Tinner's Trail...?

  8. We can bring:
    Carcassonne - Sams version is more comprehensive
    Ora & labora
    Puerto Rico
    Ticket to ride
    Tinners trail
    And possibly others I forget. Any requests?

  9. And the games I'd like to play:
    - A few acres of snow
    - Wallenstein
    - Brass
    - Mr Jack
    - Any of Joe's railway 18xx type games like Steam
    - Thurn and Taxis
    - (through gritted teeth) High Frontier

    Looks like a lot of two-player games there...

  10. Shogun and Wallenstein are pretty much the same game, Ad, so we have a starter there. Is anyone willing to join me in Genoa though?

  11. Sam, I'll bring my copy of Stone Age. Adam I can supply "A few acres of snow" although I'm not keen to play it.

    In fact you can have it if you want to trade a game with me.

    I will bring a bunch not mentioned here. Deciding what to play is going to be the best fun....
