After a quiet evening with a bottle of wine and a spreadsheet, I've got a little update on some of the statistics of the season so far. And what a season it's been. Looking at the medal table, it's Adam versus Sam, but look at the Q system and it's Sam versus me, while in points ratio it's Adam versus Sam again! It's a wonder we're still friends! Meanwhile, Sam has scored almost 1,500 points more than anyone else in the (rather silly) absolute points category
(not shown).
But perhaps the most remarkable statistic belongs to Joe. Thanks to an early fondness for games which needed low scores to win (which go on the spreadsheet as minus points) and games where you don't score at all (such as Skull and Roses), he actually had an absolute points total of -44 on the 24th July, a full three weeks after the season had started! We at GNN salute our negative-scoring friend!
Can we just end the season now?
ReplyDeleteI love numbers. I'm going to stare at this for the next 15 minutes drinking coffee.
In my first few seconds of staring I see that the points ratio is very very close throughout. Well done everybody!
ReplyDeleteWell at least I've done *something* remarkable. That also tallies with my mythical minus-points win in No Thanks, from the GNN prehistory. If only Septicon was big enough to require name badges - mine would be Mr Minus.
ReplyDeleteHow many weeks left of the current season, Andrew?
Just until the end of the month.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness. Last season's win is starting to look like some kind of fluke! ;)