Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bed the Penalty

Andrew and I sat down with good intentions. We were planning to map out the six-episode arc of our proposed sitcom and flesh out the characters. And to be fair to us, we did the bare bones of that. But perhaps our concentration was diluted by the coming and goings of Stanley and Joe, who weren't particularly interested in going to sleep just yet.

After a couple of abortive attempts at getting them to stay within five feet of a duvet, I abandoned all pretence of authority and let them roam freely downstairs. While Andrew and I worked, they broke out Shopping List, a game of memorising items that are then placed face-down - the aim being to fill your trolley first, matching your shopping list.

I was just thinking how wonderful it was that they could play so serenely this way when Stan took his victory a little too crowingly and Joe slapped him in the face. This is plainly out of the bounds of GNN behaviour, and I decided enough was enough, marching them both (Stanley more sympathetically) upstairs.

By this time it was nine and I certainly couldn't face more work, so we played Cube Quest. I went for one of the defensive formations displayed on the Cube Quest facebook page and, like the Peppa Defence, it worked well. Andrew had a more lassez faire attitude to combat - or more chivalrous maybe. But Cube Quest does not reward chivalry and I won both games.

Game, formation and image courtesy Cube Quest

We polished off an eventful evening with 7 Wonders, a game that needs no introduction - except to Sally, who arrived home halfway through and was seemingly taken with it. Probably because she wasn't being asked to play.

I wasn't best pleased getting the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, a wonder which has been distinctly unwonderful before with its privilige of building discarded cards. But I left these as late as possible and fate smiled on me with the arrival of Dirk's cards, leading to a pretty comfortable win:

Sam 60
Andrew 43
Dirk 31

Then we didn't play Biblios! I waved the game theoretically under Andrew's nose, but he was having none of it.

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